Doggie Year...
Yesh! It is the year of doggies now... MY year... =) Just got back from Malaysia not long ago... For just 2 days 1 night, I have acquired for myself 6 mossie bites... Hope the mosquitoes die from overfeeding... For the week leading up to chinese new year, I have been occupied with cleaning up of my room, clearing doubts for my UROP, work at IRO etcetc... Heard from LX that NUS will be hosting the Harvard Project for Asian & International Relations (HPAIR) for 2006. Preparations are on the way and I guess I will be helping out one way or another as I am in the America section in IRO... During the conversation, LX said, "See Ryan, you can participate in HPAIR, something you will not get if you go NOC". Frankly, I am glad that I did not apply for the program now due to some personal reasons... But I guess LX & some managers must have thought I have wanted to apply for it badly... haz...
Here are some photos of my nephews & nieces.... +)

Here are some photos of my nephews & nieces.... +)

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