A Journey Towards My Own Destiny

Saturday, January 07, 2006

有机- Organic Love

Organic love... what is it really? Divorces, affairs, betrayal are common in today's society... Maybe we should start seeking our very own organic love... =) A deep yet simple song by Malaysian Idol, Daniel Lee in the second season of the competition.

More information can be found here: http://www.boxup.cc/gb/music/album/2005/11/album6542.htm

Many thanks to Defoe who helped me find the song... =)

有机 - Organic Love

曲:张觉隆 | 词:陈信延

要如何 洁身而退 爱一个人几宗罪
离婚外遇劈腿 爱情太污秽

谁的一个吻 污染谁的嘴

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会也不受伤害
就让心底的花留住最初样子 自然的盛开

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会也不受伤害
就让心底的爱倾泻不必灌溉 与生俱来

爱过的 无言以对 分一次手更可悲
临别还要对嘴 虚伪的慈悲

流浪尘世中 爱与恨流转

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会也不受伤害
就让心底的花留住最初样子 自然的盛开

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会也不受伤害
就让心底的爱倾泻不必灌溉 与生俱来

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会也不受伤害
就让心底的花留住最初样子 灿烂的盛开

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会有益而无害
仿佛心底纯真如昔那个小孩 活过来 我期待


  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger peixin2203 said…

    Hi, thanks for introducing this song to me, it's really nice. The lyrics are v meaningful and the singer has a v sweet voice. Thanks... Really hope everyone's relationships can be pure and lasting... ;)


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