A Journey Towards My Own Destiny

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Change Quotient?

Changes are part and parcel of everyone's lives... Some people handle them well but other not as well. So how do I rate myself? I would say that I will score different in coping changes in various aspect of my life. How about you? Have you every started evaluating your Change Quotient (CQ) in one way or another? If not, it is time to do so as it will empower you to be more aware of your inner self...

Rain has finally stopped yesterday (Friday, the thirteen!). Past two days has been spent hoping around in school from one place to another to settle stuffs. UROP has been changed from a case study to a status review of Enterprise Systems now... So what does that means for me? It simply means that I have to complete my 50 pages report and poster in a matter of 2 months. It also means I will have tonnes of journals to read too... But the only consolation is that the case study has become my honours year project. I guess I have learnt to look on the positive side of things and is defintely not complaining about this change... As I have told Dr Pan, on thing about research is that we need to cope with uncertainties and respond effectively to changes... And yea, the chance for me has arrived... ahaha...

Visited XX's new house which is still under renovation in CCK... Gave him comments on which room I would choose if I were him. After which, we proceeded to town where I have gotten myself a pair of sneakers. Watched some dance performances at Takashimaya where the semi-finals of Funkamania was held... Some of the teams were really good as their dance moves are really executed with high degree of precision and deftness. All the best to those teams which made it to the finals... which will be held later in the day... Yea... one day after semi-final! Apart from a test of the dance performance, it will be a test of the team's determination and stamina to pull through the whole show successfully... Good luck!


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