Doggie Year...
Here are some photos of my nephews & nieces.... +)

To win a race, it is not a matter of the strength of your legs...So folks, we have both healthy legs and arms, but have we really make a differences in others people lives using what we are endowed with? (I am not asking you to run a marathon; think of it as a analogy...)Or are we oblivious of the fact and have taken many things for granted...
Your arms can be as strong as your legs if you really want them to...
If you realised, the entries from Singapore is the only double-digit among all the country... Amazing...86 abstracts from 28 countries
Young students, their professors, and professionals in private companies have submitted their first bid on how they see a future, global knowledge society.
NIRAS is very pleased with the enthusiasm shown by so many people around the world.
It is obvious that visionary thoughts and a keen interest in our common future occupy many of us. We have received contributions from Australia (2), Bolivia (3), Bulgaria (1), China (6), Czech Republic (1), Denmark (3), Egypt (2), Finland (7), Georgia (1), Ghana (1), Hong Kong (1), Hungary (1), India (7), Indonesia (5), Latvia (1), Nepal (1), Norway (1), Pakistan (2), Russia (1), Singapore (22), Slovakia (1), South Africa (1), Sweden (1), Thailand (4), United Arab Emirates (1), Ukraine (1), United Kingdom (1), and USA (7). [The numbers in brackets indicate the number of abstracts].
We will now screen and select 10 of the abstracts for the second phase of the competition. It will not be an easy task with the many interesting and thought provoking ideas and viewpoints.
The 10 essayists will be publicised on February 1. All participants will get a personal e-mail or letter from NIRAS stating whether they have moved on or not.
有机 - Organic Love
曲:张觉隆 | 词:陈信延
要如何 洁身而退 爱一个人几宗罪
离婚外遇劈腿 爱情太污秽
谁的一个吻 污染谁的嘴
哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会也不受伤害
就让心底的花留住最初样子 自然的盛开
哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会也不受伤害
就让心底的爱倾泻不必灌溉 与生俱来
爱过的 无言以对 分一次手更可悲
临别还要对嘴 虚伪的慈悲
流浪尘世中 爱与恨流转
哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会也不受伤害
就让心底的花留住最初样子 自然的盛开
哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会也不受伤害
就让心底的爱倾泻不必灌溉 与生俱来
哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会也不受伤害
就让心底的花留住最初样子 灿烂的盛开
哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一会有益而无害
仿佛心底纯真如昔那个小孩 活过来 我期待
Ever visualized ‘Knowledge’ as a physical balance beam? Imagine the alphabet ‘L’ serving as a pivot to ‘KNOW’ and ‘EDGE’; the 4 characters on each side of the pivot will be the loads that enable the beam to be at equilibrium by the principle of moment. In the general sense, possessing the know-how will probably gives one a competitive edge over others in a global knowledge society. However, for the knowledge society to actually prospers and thrive, there is a pertinent need to seek a balance of this knowledge beam – that is Man’s know-how and his competitive edge.
In a truly global knowledge society, Man will not need to possess all the information to succeed. Man needs to refrain from information overload as excessive information will cripple the beam. Global equity strategist, James Montier has mentioned that more information is not necessarily a good thing. This is very true as more information can actually translate into confusions and prolong the process of decision making. To further this assertion, I believe that we need to question the viability and relevance of any information before we allow them to have a place in Man’s knowledge base. Man’s brain is not a super computer which can store hordes of information; instead, they need to be equipped with relevant information from which he can derive innovative ideas from. It is of paramount importance to realize that it is ideas which will give Man the necessary know-how to arrive at unprecedented mind-blowing breakthroughs. All in all, information no longer sells but ideas do. On the other hand, there are those in power who thinks they know it all and assume that they have the ‘edge’ over others. One classic example is reflected in the controversial launch of war on
I postulate that Man needs to seek this balance in order for globalization to benefit the entire world. Anyone who is able to play a role in balancing this beam can be truly called a Global Being. In a global knowledge society, this is definitely an icon that Man should strive to achieve. A Global Being knows that he has a choice and feels a pressing need to find his own niche. He knows the consequences of a topsy-turvy world if this beam is lop-sided to either side. It is indeed heartening to know that Man is beginning to be more aware of the potential of the human brain and is ready to tread to different path to achieve their goals as books on Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Self-improvement and Happiness gain immense popularity in recent years. In addition, a Global Being also embraces the world’s interests before pursuing any anthropological or political agenda. He is a compassionate being who seeks to bridge the gap between the rich and poor. All in all, everyone needs to be a Global Being in order to fit themselves snugly into the future global knowledge society. In accordance to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Man will seek for self-actualization which is the instinctual need to make full use of their own unique ability after basic physiological needs are met. With rising affluence throughout the world, it is not difficult to predict that self-actualizations will be sought by many in the world in a few decades time.
In the next hundred years, I envisaged that capitalism will no longer be the fundamental economic model. Millionaires will be common throughout the world as people leverage on innovative ideas and technology which can possibly churn lucrative businesses within a shorter time span. As innovative ideas proliferate new ideas, this multiplier effect will sweep across the entire world. Instead, social entrepreneurship will be Man’s calling instead of just merely entrepreneurship for personal monetary benefits.
In the near future, degree holders will be ubiquitous and universities may lose their appeal to some. This is a result of rising educational level all over the world which is further propelled by the ease to a university education via long distance learning online. Instead, specialized institutions for specific innovative skills will be attracting students who have identified their personal competitive advantage and want to leverage on their strengths. All in all, learning to relearn will be the essential as information become obsolete within a shorter time span.
New industries that can possibly mushroom include creative solution providers for almost all existing industries. For instance, traditional engineering firms which provide standard engineering solutions will be on the road to extinction. Instead, creative engineering firms will be in position to launch projects such as the underwater hotel in
Such massive project also calls for cooperation between different agencies and efficient flow of information. As such, I foresee an exponential increase in the number of registered patents in the next 50 years.
As Man makes the transition from an industrial society to knowledge society, almost all facets of the society will need a major overhaul of mindsets. We have seen for ourselves that this metamorphosis is not a smooth sailing one. Till now, terrorism is one of the key challenges that need to be dealt with in many countries. To aggravate matters, Mother Nature also unleashes her power in allowing the Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina to create havoc. This led me to wonder if this could be the negative Karma of our forefathers that has resulted in the topsy-turvy world we have today? All in all, there are simply too many complexities which add disruptive momentum to the balance beam of the world. As such, one major challenge for Man will be to adapt to changes rapidly as he continue in his quest for a balance knowledge beam. We know it is tough but not impossible.
The future of the global knowledge society is a definitely a rosy one where global beings live peacefully in harmony if each of us understand our place in this global world. The utopia which Man has been seeking for centuries is already on the horizon. However, how fast we arrive at this destination will be dependent on how willing we are to discard those packets of irrelevant information planted in our minds by prejudice and ego. Only when we lighten our burdens of the past, we will then be able to embrace the knowledge society wholeheartedly. Are you ready to take on the challenge? I am. So take me on.