Most of us will do most the our everyday tasks with our dominant hand... In the light that the right hemisphere of the brain control the left side of the body (and the converse is true), most of us will tend to "overwork" one side of the brain without realising that he/she is still left with the other side of the brain to leverage on ...
I started to play around with the idea of ambidexterity (I don't know this word then...) when I was in primary school... Result: I can only brush my teeth using my left hand albeit the fact that I am a right-hander... I tried using my right hand to brush sometimes but it was painful as the brush kept hitting the gum awkwardly... Perhaps it was this everyday ritual of using left hand (which trigger the right side of the brain which controls creativity and emotions) that spur the interest in fine and abstract arts in me... I always wish I had some formal training in the technicalities in fine arts but never had the chance too... But I did a piece of work while I was studying for my 'O' levels 8 years ago... And here it is...
I started to play around with the idea of ambidexterity (I don't know this word then...) when I was in primary school... Result: I can only brush my teeth using my left hand albeit the fact that I am a right-hander... I tried using my right hand to brush sometimes but it was painful as the brush kept hitting the gum awkwardly... Perhaps it was this everyday ritual of using left hand (which trigger the right side of the brain which controls creativity and emotions) that spur the interest in fine and abstract arts in me... I always wish I had some formal training in the technicalities in fine arts but never had the chance too... But I did a piece of work while I was studying for my 'O' levels 8 years ago... And here it is...

At 3:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice artwork!
I write and eat(meaning the hand holding the spoon) with my left hand ; shoots the rifle and play sports with my right hand. But I can't reverse it either. Though I just taught myself to write with the right hand recently.
Don't know whether that constitutes as ambidextorous though.
At 8:47 AM,
RyanzZz said…
Definitely u r... I guess everyone is; it is just the extent of how adept we are with each hand... I hold the spoon with my left hand tho' I write with my right...haz
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