A Journey Towards My Own Destiny

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Transformation of Garden City into Flower City

If you drop by the Suntec-marina area, you will be amazed at how Singapore have transformed from merely a Garden City to a Flower City... I thought I was back in Roma Street Parkland in Brisbane where the sub-tropical flowers bloom... They are even huge plots of sunflowers along the road in front of the Art Museum... It will be nice if these flowers are able to sustain itself through the erratic weather of Singapore... It will even be better if efforts are expended to keep all these greeneries and flowers intact even after the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings. This should be the way it should go; it will be disappointing to any delegate when they return in a couple of months to realise that all those flowers vanish into thin air, leaving behind just green bushes...

The news just feature on how IMF-World Bank assisted Cambodia in tackling the lack of potable water in Cambodia... Perhaps this is where social entrepreneurship can be explored to arrive at possible solutions to resolve these problems... Shall have the opportunity to see for myself during the YEP trip to Cambodia in December. And I shall see what are some of the social entrepreneurship opportunities that can be picked up and transfer them back to Social Enterprise Forum 2007...


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