SoC Commencement Ceremony

Do you know who will receive thunderous round of applause for a commencement ceremony?
It is NOT the arrival of the guest of honours... Neither is it the arrival of the presiding officer and the academics with "The Triumph March" playing in the background...
NOpe, it is also not after a rousing speech by the valedictorian for the ceremony...
It is only when the last person in the queue is presented with the degree scroll when the applause climax... -) And yea, there will be loud cheers as well... -)
(*Others photos will be up another day... Will be going for the commencement ceremonies on Thursday before I get down to sort out the photographs*). Long day ahead tomorrow in camp due to exercise... Ciaoz...
I am going to miss my friends who have just graduated for the following 2 semesters...
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