
[As we soak the essence of the sunrise, it is critical to note that it will only last us for that day. We need to learn to cast aside work for the day when the sunset arrive to rejunevate for the next day...]

The Never Ending Highway to Outback...
[Treasure Life journey, you don't know where it will end. Ironically, some people don't even see any road in front of them...]

[Only when you are a child, you can live in your wildest imagination without the baggage of reality. If we want to bridge dreams to reality, there is a need for a child to live in each of our hearts... ]

Family Day @ Barossa Valley [Wine Festival - Btw, South Aussie is the state of festivals!]
[I don't see such a scene much in Singapore... humpzzz...]
Need to get a digital watch tomorrow so that I can gauge my time allocation for Tuesday and Wednesday paper... Meeting Eunice and Amu at Causeway Point tomorrow to do some revision before my first paper on Tuesday... And yea, I am going to finish up my National Service this holidays... =)
Time to be a child and read some totally unacademic stuff before tucking myself in bed... NitezZz...
Time to be a child and read some totally unacademic stuff before tucking myself in bed... NitezZz...
At 11:13 PM,
ruoxin said…
ayee......botanic gardens lo..hee... :) quite a nice place to go to but so many pple sometimes...probably the closest we can get here in sg.
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